When creating a new user, or editing an existing one, it is important to assess the permissions and roles they require.
Permissions and roles help to determine the level of user access to exams within your account and the level of user interaction permitted on exams they can access.
A user can be assigned to one or more of the following permissions and roles:
Access all exams: All exams are visible regardless the user's assignment.
View all finalized exams: All exams with the Finalized status are visible regardless of the user's assignment.
Study Admin: Can create, delete, activate, merge, generate an Administrator export and duplicate exams.
Admin Login: Can access the Admin page and carry out Admin functionality for the account. Can access the Admin tab from within the exam.
Study Assign: Can assign exams regardless of their role. This role is usually given to sonographers.
The highlighted drop-down boxes can be used to make an exam assignment.
Sonographer: The user is identified as a sonographer and listed in the sonographer assignment list.
Interpreting Physician: The user is identified as an interpreting physician. Only interpreting physicians can finalize exams.
- Offline Reporting: The user can mark a report as "completed offline." This setting should be disabled if the interpreting physician will use UltraLinq to generate reports on exams.
- Specify a Signature: An image of the physician's signature can appear next to their digital signature. For image size see article Adding A Physicians Signature.
Referring/Ordering: The user is identified as the referring or ordering physician based on workflow rules or manual assignments. Ordering physicians may need to be enabled by Technical Services. See Configuring Report Headers for further information regarding configuring headers via Referring Physician settings.
Reviewer: May review batches. Batch Mode may need to be enabled by Technical Services.