Access exams through the Exam List page. The Exam List is the default page in UltraLinq.
The Header shows your practice and username. In the upper right corner of the screen, the Header menu links to the Admin (for account administrators), Contact Us, and Preferences pages. The Learn What’s New link takes you to a page with release notes for the latest version of UltraLinq.
Exam Search
The Exam Search bar filters the exams that appear in the Exam List.
You can filter the Exam List with the following search criteria:
- Patient Name/MRN (text entry)
- Referring (text entry)
- Sonographer (text entry)
- Interpreting Access (text entry)
- Exam Date (drop-down list)
- Exam Type (drop-down list)
- Exam Status (drop-down list)
- Modality (drop-down list)
- Location (drop-down list)
After selecting your search parameters, click Search. To clear your search parameters, click Clear.
The Shortcuts panel can quickly filter the Exam List or let you view exported exams. Find the Shortcuts panel to the right of the Exam Search bar. The links available in the Shortcuts panel depend on the user's permissions.
Exam Sort
Sort the Exam List by selecting an ordering scheme from the Exam Sort drop-down list. Find the Exam Sort drop-down list on the right side of the screen, below the Shortcuts panel and above the Exam List entries.
The Exam List can be sorted by the following parameters in numerical and reverse numerical or alphabetical and reverse alphabetical order:
- Uploaded Time
- Exam Date
- Modified Time
- Date Finalized
- Indication
- Patient First Name
- Patient Last Name
- Patient DOB
- Sonographer
- Exam ID
- Referring
- Exam Status
- Location
- Exam Type
Admin Menu
The Admin menu is only visible to study administrators.
- Create Exam adds a new exam in UltraLinq.
- Delete removes exams.
- Activate restores deleted exams.
- Merge combines two exams.
- Export exports exams.
- Duplicate creates copies of exams.
Exam Entry
Individual exam entries populate the Exam List.
The status icon shows the current state of an individual exam.
: Stat exams always appear at the top of the Exam List.
: Unread exams have not been marked as final.
: Error exams contain errors in the exam file.
: Finalized exams have been reviewed by the interpreting physician.
: Unknown device exams have been received by UltraLinq, but UltraLinq cannot map its fields. Contact Client Services to troubleshoot this issue.
: Deleted exams have been marked as deleted through UltraLinq or UpLinq.
: Amended exams have been finalized and then reopened. Amended exams show earlier versions of reports.
: Batch exams have been selected for review and finalization as part of a batch.
Each exam in the Exam List can include the following study metadata fields:
- Type shows the exam's category. UltraLinq automatically assigns an exam category when an exam is uploaded. Change an exam type at any time by adding or editing patient information.
- Sonographer shows the sonographer that performed the exam.
- DOB shows the patient's date of birth (DOB).
- Exam Date shows the date the exam was performed.
- Referring shows the exam's referring physician.
- MRN shows the patient's medical record number (MRN).
- Exam ID shows any unique identifier transferred from the modality or added manually.
- Interpreting Access shows the physician interpreting the exam.
- Indication shows the exam's indication, prepopulated from the modality. Change the exam's indication from the worksheet.
- Num Files shows the number of images and clips uploaded with the exam.
- Upload Time shows when the exam was uploaded.
- Location shows the exam's assigned facility.
Find shortcuts to the exam's Clips & Stills (image), Worksheet, and Admin tabs on the right side of each exam entry. The availability of these shortcut links depends on the user's permissions.