A mobile authenticator app is required for this process. Please download Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or any authenticator app of your choosing from the Google Play Store/App Store.
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Log into UltraLinq and click on Preferences in the top right corner of the Exam list page.
Click Manage MFA
NOTE: If you do not see Manage MFA as one of the available options, please contact UltraLinq Technical Services for further assistance.
Click Link MFA Device
Scan the generated QR code from the mobile authenticator app and enter the provided code from the authenticator app in the field shown below. (DO NOT scan the QR code shown in the image below.)
Click Activate MFA Device
UltraLinq will now be added to your authenticator app. After MFA has been enabled, you will need to enter a One Time Password(OTP) in addition to the password that you normally use for future logins.