Account administrators can add and edit locations for their organization.
To manage locations, go to the Locations page by following these steps.
- Navigate to the Admin page from the header link at the top of the page.
- Click the Locations link.
Adding Locations
Add a location by following these steps.
- From the Locations page, click Add a Location.
- Fill out the fields in the Location Information section. Required fields are marked by a *.
Note: To automatically assign an exam to a location, enter a code in the Code field. The same code must be entered on the imaging modality before the exam is transferred to UltraLinq. If the imaging modality does not have a location field, contact Client Services for help.
- If the study's location information is used in report headers, fill out the fields in the Report Header Information section.
- Click Save.
Editing Locations
Edit a location by following these steps.
- From the Locations page, click a location's row. This takes you to the Location Edit page.
- Change the information fields as needed.
- To make a location inactive, select Inactive from the Status drop-down list.
- Click Save.