Because UltraLinq is a browser-based application, you can open the same exam in multiple browser windows.
First, you will need to "Extend" your desktop in Windows. You can find instructions on that process via this link:
Next, log into UltraLinq.
On the main exam page, right-click on the name of the patient you wish to view. Click on the option to open the link in a new window. Note that the verbiage may vary depending on the web browser you are using.
Now, drag the new browser window to your second monitor.
Your first window will still display the patient list, while your second monitor will show the images/clips.
Finally, click on the patient's name in your original browser window, and you will have two instances of the exam side-by-side. You can view the images in one, and the worksheet in the other.
*A note about multiple browsers*
You cannot be logged into UltraLinq using two different browsers. The process above works because you are looking at UltraLinq using one browser session. If you try to use two different browsers simultaneously (i.e. - Internet Explorer and Chrome), UltraLinq will log you off when you try to login concurrently.