When viewing images or clips, you can adjust brightness, contrast, and clip playback rate settings at a global level, changing the appearance of all items in an exam. You can also adjust brightness and contrast at an individual level, changing the appearance of a single item.
Note: The clip playback rate cannot be adjusted for a single clip.
You can also edit an individual image or paused clip by:
- Rotating it in 90° increments.
- Inverting its color mapping.
- Flipping it horizontally.
- Flipping it vertically.
Global Adjustments
Change the brightness, contrast, and clip playback rate of all items in an exam by clicking in the Single view of the Exam page's Clips & Stills tab.
A window appears. Click Adjustments to show Adjustment tools. Drag the sliders to adjust brightness, contrast, and clip playback rate.
Click Reset to return all parameters to default settings.
Individual Adjustments
To adjust brightness and contrast for a single image or clip, use keyboard shortcuts:
- Increase brightness by holding down the B key and dragging your mouse up, and decrease brightness by holding down the B key and dragging your mouse down.
- Increase contrast by holding down the C key and dragging your mouse up, and decrease contrast by holding down the C key and dragging your mouse down.
To edit the appearance of a single image or paused clip, click in the Single view of the Exam page's Clips & Stills tab.
The Image Tools panel appears. Click Adjustments to show Adjustment tools.
The following options are available:
rotates the image or paused clip in 90° increments clockwise.
inverts the image's or paused clip's color mapping.
flips the image or paused clip horizontally.
flips the image or paused clip vertically.
Click Reset to return all parameters to default settings.