The UpLinq software includes a component that runs in the background which allows for DICOM transfer from your modality. Because this component runs as a Windows service, you may sometimes receive a flashing prompt on your taskbar.
The prompt indicates that a program is trying to display a message:
Viewing the message can temporarily lock you out of your desktop. To eliminate this prompt:
1. Navigate to c:\UltraLinq_DICOM. Locate the "Firedaemon_UI" application.
2. Launch the application. Note you must be logged in as an administrator to access the services managed by this application.
3. Right-click on the "UltraLinq StoreSCP" entry, and select "Edit".
4. Click on the "Settings" tab. Locate the "Interact with Desktop" check-box and un-check it.
5. Hit "OK" to save your changes.