** This article is for US installation of UpLinq. If you are in the UK please refer to the following article: Installing UpLinq 2.7.8 (UK) **
** If you have a previous version of UpLinq installed please see the following article Removing UpLinq. The previous version must be removed before installing UpLinq 2.7.8 **
** If you are in the US and this is a new installation, or you have already removed UpLinq as per above article, please proceed. **
Install UpLinq 2.7.8 (US)
1. Download UpLinq 2.7.8 by clicking on the link below or copying and pasting it into your web browser:
2. If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, click on the downloaded file in the web browser or select the option to Run.
Internet Explorer
If you are using Google Chrome, wait for the download to complete and click:
3. Follow the Setup Menu, keep selecting Next then choose to Install.
4. Once the install has complete select Finish to launch the setup wizard.
Setup Wizard
1. Proxy information
If you are uploading exams via USB or an Ethernet cable plugged directly into the ultrasound device then you do not need to put in any proxy information. Even if on the local network the chances are you do not need to enter any details. If you are in doubt ask your local IT support.
2. Customer ID
UltraLinq users with Admin rights can find the Customer ID by logging into UltraLinq and selecting the Admin tab at the top of the screen:
The Customer ID appears under the company name:
You can copy and paste this into the setup wizard.
If you do not have Admin access to UltraLinq, please email Technical Services (support@ultralinq.com) to request your Customer ID.
3. Select Ultrasound Machine Types
- Biosound: XML and multimedia files exported from Esaote devices
- Cypress: RTF files created using multimedia exports in CypressViewer
- DICOM: DICOM files sent by any device (majority of clients use DICOM)
- SonoSite: files converted by SiteLink versions 3 or 4
- Single File: not used (do not select)
4. Set Watch Directory options for each type of device you selected in step 3. By watching a directory, UpLinq monitors the file system for changes and adds new files to the UpLinq worklist.
The standard watch directory for exams is the C:\studies folder. Select the three dots to choose your exam watch directory:
5. Select a folder to hold the files encoded by UpLinq (the C:\encoded folder is automatically selected):
6. Set the retention settings for UpLinq. This allows UpLinq to automatically delete locally-stored files after the specified number of days. Do not use the Delete exam on upload option.
7. Review your changes, select Finish if correct.