NOTE: Do not shut down your computer while running UpLinq. This results in database corruption or duplicated exams uploaded to UltraLinq.
NOTE: The exam file size limit for still images is 10 MB.
NOTE: If the error, "Editor form data not set" appears, no worksheet has been configured within UpLinq. Contact Client Services to enable the worksheet, and then restart UpLinq.
Manually create a new exam in UpLinq by following these steps.
Select and complete the form.
2. Click Save. The new exam appears in the Exam List.
3. Add images and clips to the new exam. Right click the new exam in the Exam List to show individual exam options. Select Add Files.
UpLinq supports AVI, BMP, JPG, MP4, and PNG file types for images and clips.Files added using the Add Files feature will be available through UltraLinq's Exam page.
4. Add attachments to the new exam. Right click the new exam in the Exam List to show individual exam options. Select Attach Files.
UpLinq supports AVI, BMP, DOC, JPEG, MP4, PNG, PDF, and XLS file types for attachments.Note: Unwanted attachments can be removed from an exam. Right click the exam and select Remove Attachments.